Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Author: Alexa Brown

Alexa Brown is born in South Florida and she is brilliant author. She is written some books of poetry, article, and essay. She earned his English degree at University of South Florida. She joined Diligent Reader after graduation.

Binance’s Malta,Hoo’s Dubai

Press Release
October 17-20,” Future Blockchain Summit 2021” will be held in Dubai World Trade Center. The world’s top blockchain companies including IBM, Google, Binance, etc. will gather here to showcase the world’s most innovative blockchain achievements. As the gold sponsor of this conference, Hoo Global will also make a high-profile debut at the conference, and officially start a global layout with Dubai as the radiant point. It is understood that, in addition to Hoo Global, the head digital asset trading platforms such as Huobi and Binance have also laid out in Dubai, the “global blockchain center”. Dubai, which once relied on oil to rise, has now become the first choice for entrepreneurs in the crypto industry. This is not only due to the Dubai government’s policy support for the encryption in...

Ninja Raiders League Draws Closer To Completion

Press Release
N.Fans’ first and upcoming game, currently titled ‘Ninja Raiders League’, nears its completion as it undergoes a second round of beta testing. The game was announced in mid-to-late September and has since then seen two separate closed-beta sessions with over 1,300 combined participants. The second one, which started on October the 10th, was planned to test the rigidity of all the feedback gathered and implemented after the first beta round. With over a thousand feedback forms filled, the N.Fans development team ensured sufficient amounts of decentralization and quality control by listening to the masses and applying their suggestions to the up and coming video game.  The User-Interface  Oftentimes, nothing beats simplicity, and that is the case with the UI present in Ninja Raiders...


Press Release
 The only airline product of the “2021-2022 Global Airline Meal List-Best Airline Cultural and Creative Five-Star Award” will be revealed to the world. This airline product is the result of the innovative integration of real airplanes and airline drinks. It is reported that “the drink made in the airplane is amazing” is the comment of the organizing committee for this work. After examination, the organizing committee decided the work that won the global airline meal list-best airline cultural and creative five-star award is “MU&CUA Tea”. This work is the new cabin drink “MU&CUA Tea” in the MU Tea series, which is jointly developed by Eastern air catering and China United Airlines, combining with the IAIO-NARDO labs, it has applied the complex airplane spraying result to cabin drink...

Embrace MES and create an era of empire under the metaverse

Press Release
MES (METAVERSE EMPIRE) is a virtual world game based on blockchain. It uses MES+MEF as the governance token of the entire game ecology to reward all game players and allow players to experience the leap in the history of human civilization in parallel time and space.  From farming tribes to war civilization, a new “metaverse empire” was opened. Play-to-earn will see the advanced path of encrypted games The total global game profit in 2020 exceeds 300 billion U.S. dollars, and the most popular blockchain metaverse game is undoubtedly Axie infinity. The price of its native token AXS starts from 0.1 U.S. dollars and reaches 155 U.S. dollars in October 2021. The high price of the game created a 1550 times the myth of the richness of the metaverse game, and its market value reached 30...

How To Play The Underlying Protocol Of The Metaverse? Lets Take A Look Of WoW Solution

Press Release
The future has come, curtain of the Metaverse has opened In 1992, Neal Stephenson put forward the concepts of “Metaverse” and “Avatar” in his science fiction novel “Snow Crash.” The plot of the book takes place in the future setting of a real human living in a virtual space with a virtual human through a VR device. In 2003, the first phenomenal virtual world “Second Life” was launched. The explorers team said that it was not a game. “There were no conflicts to create and no artificially set goals”. People could socialize, shop, build and do business in it. People experience the parallel world on the Internet for the first time. In 2021, Facebook announced an investment of US $50 million, based on AR and VR technologies, to develop the Metaverse: a digital world where multiple peop...

IUS — an ecological chain based on the concept and realization of a meta-universe

Press Release
IUS was created by the island universe foundation and blockchain wizard Maniel Larimer. IUS is an ecological chain based on the concept and realization of a meta-universe. IUS is mainly dedicated to ecological construction and ecological empowerment. The birth of IUS is entirely based on an empowering main chain coin based on the ecological construction of the meta universe. IUS empowers meta-universe applications including but not limited to Difi, Nft, VR, MR, AR, Internet of Things, 5G, Web3.0 and other applications. IUS is mainly used as a driving IUS ecological token to provide an engine for all enabling tokens. Adopt blockchain 4.0 technology to guide and drive various applications on IUS in a completely open and transparent way. IUS guarantees the healthy development of applications ...

A King Of Wolves game aimed at building multiple DeFi ecology and landing games is coming online.

Press Release
King Of Wolves is a NFT-based competitive social game supported by Absolute blockchain. The rich identities of police chiefs, wolves, ordinary villagers, prophets and detectives in the game are all NFT assets. Users have full ownership and can transfer and trade through blockchain networks at any time. Users can also package the roles and resources in the game as a whole as NFT for transfer or sale. The attribute upgrade of these roles requires AST Token, and their weapons are all based on NFT. Players must collect as many AST Tokens as possible to upgrade their game ability, because this is a game of playing while earning, which means that there is money incentive for players to pledge the original AST coins of the platform and continue the game. Although the games of playing while ear...

The importance of sustainability: Why eco-friendly blockchains are the future

Press Release
As more and more decentralized applications (DApps), such as GameFi, DeFi, NFTs, and more, are being developed, heated discussions about the environmental impact of blockchain and cryptocurrency have reignited once more. Especially after China’s crackdown on cryptocurrency mining activities, public debates about blockchain and crypto-related energy consumption rates have reached a climax. Proof of Work’s environmental impact Since the birth of Bitcoin, the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism has always been fundamental to the security of blockchain networks. This consensus is reached through computing power, commonly referred to as hash rate. Over time as blockchain technology is being adopted by the world, the energy consumption rate of the entire blockchain network has s...

Facemetaverse Near Lab International Consensus Community Alliance is fully launched

Press Release
2021 has been dubbed the first year of the Metavers, which some have called the “Internet in 3D”, following the initial public offering of Roblox earlier this year.Recently, the concept of the meta-universe once again attracted the attention of the capital market, related concept stocks rose sharply, “metaiverse” has quietly become an investment tuyere, international capital giants have jumped into the track, are eager to become the leader. Facebook has shown a strong commitment to focus on building the Metaverse. However, Metaverse on a massive scale will not be built overnight by one company, and Facebook will work with policy makers, experts and partners across the spectrum to make this vision a reality.To implement the Metaverse vision, Facebook has created a new product team, led b...

PlatON 2.0 Established A Decentralized Collaborative Privacy Artificial Intelligence Network

Press Release
PlatON, a next-generation Internet infrastructure protocol based on the fundamental properties of blockchain, recently combined blockchain, artificial intelligence and privacy computing technology to establish a decentralized collaborative privacy artificial intelligence network, which would take utilization of data to a new level. This network will serve as the infrastructure of autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) agents, who can facilitate advanced artificial intelligence and explore the road to Artificial General Intelligence. Based on blockchain network, PlatON developers designed a decentralized privacy computing network to connect data, algorithms and hashrate through privacy computing protocols. Autonomous AI agents can obtain the required resources at low cost, train artific...